Discover shared responsibilities in malfunctioning forest stewardship
Discover global interconnections in the production and consumption of single-use wood/paper products
Discover global interconnections in forest stewardship
Discover mechanisms and consequences of structural and epistemic violence against indigenous people and indigenous knowledge on forest stewardship
Explore alternatives to single-use products made of wood and paper: Elaborate proposals for the replacement of single-use wood/paper products with more sustainable alternatives on various decision-making levels (campus, local, corporate, regional, national…)
What are the conflicts underlying the publication of the open letter that accuses the FSC of complicity in crimes and impacts of industrial forestry exploitation?
In what ways are the principles of the FSC in possible conflict with the forestry model in Chile?
What aspects of Mapuche rakizuam (thinking) in relation to the environment are in conflict with the forestry model in Chile?
How are texts in English as a Lingua Franca used as a means to gain international public attention to these conflicts?
Does forestry in the form of tree plantations contribute to socioeconomic justice?
Can forestry and tree plantations contribute to environmental sustainability?
You will be able to develop the following skills:
UNESCO (2017). Education for Sustainable Development Goals. Learning Objectives. (selection)
Systems thinking competency: recognize and understand relationships
Critical thinking competency: question norms, practices and opinions; reflect on your own values, perceptions and actions; take a position in the sustainability discourse.
Self-awareness competency: reflect on your own role in the local community and (global) society; evaluate and further motivate your actions; deal with your feelings and desires.
Integrated problem-solving competency: apply different problem-solving frameworks to complex sustainability problems and develop viable, inclusive and equitable solution options
check out the links
- 1) “Letter to FSC for complicity in crimes and impacts of industrial forestry exploitation in Chile”: An open letter on the World Rainforest Movement website, signed by thirty organisationsWorld Rainforest Movement (2017, Nov 6).​
​2) A report commissioned by the FSC and written by Rosamel Millaman and Charles Hale (2016): Chile’s Forestry Industry, FSC Certification and Mapuche Communities
Millaman, R. & Hale, C. (2016): Chile’s Forestry Industry, FSC Certification and Mapuche Communities. https://ga2017.fsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/2017_04_02_-Final-Report.pdf
3) An academic article written by a team of Chilean and Mapuche social scientists published in the journal Human Ecology, with the question “Do Large-Scale Forestry Companies Generate Prosperity in Indigenous Communities?” as its title (Hofflinger et al., 2021)
Hofflinger, A., Nahuelpan, H., Boso, À., & Millalen, P. (2021). Do Large-Scale Forestry Companies Generate Prosperity in Indigenous Communities? The Socioeconomic Impacts of Tree Plantations in Southern Chile. Human Ecology, 49(5), 619-630. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10745-020-00204-x
4) The CMPC website and its section on the “environmental dimension”: a global forestry company online
CMPC (n.d.) Environmental Dimension. https://www.cmpc.com/en/sustainability/#ambito-ambiental
What are typical characteristics of …
A declaration of certification principles and criteria?
An open letter?
A report?
A company’s website?
A scientific article?
Pay attention to:
The length of the texts
Sections and subtitles
Language and style in which it is written.
Information about the author(s) and the audience to whom the texts are directed.
What is the intention (or communicative purpose) behind each of the texts? Why did people write them?
​Discover how different online texts are written.
For multilingual interdisciplinary project work: complementary texts in Spanish.
Here is additional information in Spanish, which you could use to complement your detective work:
Agrupación de Ingenieros Forestales por el Bosque nativo:
Centro de Documentación Mapuche Ñuke Mapu:
“Denuncian graves actos racistas de gerente de empresa forestal Bosques Cautín y ex directivo CORMA”
1. What does Forest Stewardship mean?
2. What is the role of the Forest Stewardship Council and its international certifications in the protection of ancient forests and the communities that have traditionally cared for them?
FSC Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship (2023):available for download under: